Gold Coast Skylight Installations



Home Renovations

The demand for Gold Coast skylight installations are growing every year. With electricity constantly on the rise skylights make more sense than ever before. We have seen throughout the years on The Block how a skylight can save you money as well as create space and a cheerful feeling in your home.

Thinking of renovating your home or office? Skylights make a great addition to any room and can create that wow factor you are looking for.


Location of your skylight

When renovating your rooms allocate some time in the design process for lighting locations. A very common scenario is building off the kitchen with a patio or deck. In these cases natural light is dramatically reduced by the extension and a skylight becomes almost a necessity. Also consider the width of your roof trusses and in which direction they run when designing the room. While this is more a consideration with the larger rectangular custom skylights, it should be kept in mind during design.


Skylight and Renovation Budget

As you may know budget and renovation are rarely words that go together. Even the most well planned ideas can quickly escalate with what first appears as a minor hurdle. Fortunately skylights are on the lower end of expenses with regard to renovation costs. Skylights in 99% of cases require no structural changes and in cases of “hurdles” there are few. With skylights available from $650.00 it one of the best ways to give your rooms that wow factor on a budget.


Superior Skylight Quality

Skybrite Skylights use only the top materials available in the market today. We offer our unique and exclusive interior finishings and do not use any unsightly PVC. Our domes are injection moulded offering superior strength against hail and severe weather conditions.


If you have any questions about our products or would like to book a quote call Skybrite on 1300 186 262.